The Prophetic Art of Persuasion – Forty Communication Techniques of the Prophet Mohammed. (ص)
The art of persuasion is the art of change, and the Messengers were the ultimate communicators and teachers sent by God to affect change. They communicated with individuals and communities in the most effective manner what divine guidance is and how to follow it. The foremost of these was the Prophet Mohammed, may God bless and grant him peace. His life stands as a testament to the power of effective persuasion and teaching, and every person that came in contact with him was left with an imprint of the powerful and articulate manner in which he convinced people of the need to change their situation.
Every turn of the Prophetic Sirah is a masterclass in the techniques and tools that everyone can learn from to enrich their own lives and achieve their life goals.
Building both upon selected content from the seminal text ‘The Prophet (ص) As a Teacher’ by Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda, as well as newly conceived content, Shaykh Ruzwan will not only cover related aspects from the Sirah and Hadith literature, but in his own unique style, relate this to current trends and movements effecting change in society, and how it is essential as Muslims that we not only know what to say, but how to say it.
During the course, you will:
Learn the techniques and tools that allow you to be a better communicator in your own life.
Study Muslim scholar’s reflections on the way Muslims can adopt the prophetic pattern of communication in their own lives.
Incorporate techniques in your own life that will allow you to more authentically affect change based on well-researched rules.
Discover insights into what makes a person an effective caller of change.
Review and learn from examples of Conflict resolution; Negotiation and Counselling from the prophetic sīrah.
This course gives you a unique opportunity to:
Study real examples of how the Prophet (ص) was able to fulfil his duty as a caller to God in the most perfect manner.
Learn the educational techniques of the Prophet (ص) in calling people to God.
Overview the ideas of major classical and modern thinkers on how to get people to change their habits and behaviour.
Learn how marketing utilises the art of persuasion to influence people’s behaviour, and what we can learn from this
Cover a schematic study of the pivotal hadīth that demonstrate the Prophetic Art of Persuasion.
Study the numerous methods the Prophet (ص) used to bring lasting change in the lives of those he met.
Understand the theory behind effective communication in the prophetic model of Da’wah.
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