I think therefore iSyllabus

1-Year Diploma in Islamic Studies

Taught by two of Scotland’s most respected and approachable Islamic scholars September 2021 - May 2022

Understand Islam To Avoid Confusion

We all want to take our understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah to the next level, but we’re living in confusing times!

With the web full of both truth and mis-information, it’s easy to get confused by contradicting opinions. Often the information conflicts and we can struggle to make sense of what is correct and what is potentially dangerous.

We all have a responsibility to both understand our religion and also only pass on true and authentic knowledge, lest we harm anyone by our ignorance and earn the displeasure of Allah ﷻ.

We all try to make sense of what we read about Islam on the web or in books, and try our best not to follow incorrect information. But you may be tired from hearing so many different opinions on the same question. You may even wonder why there are so many opinions out there on a single issue.

Until you decide to take action, learn, and understand why scholars have these differences…you will stay tired, frustrated, and confused.

Can You Confidently Answer The Following Questions?


Do you know all the individual obligations (Fard ‘Ayn) acts of worship which each and everyone of us MUST know and act upon?


Do you feel like you understand the spiritual, ethical, and legal aspects of Islam as a comprehensive whole?


Do you feel you understand how and why scholars come up with different opinions and how to explain this to others?


Do you feel you know “Why” as Muslims we do all the actions asked of us by Islamic law?

If you can’t confidently answer these questions with YES, you will benefit immensely from furthering your Islamic studies.

Get Started Now

Enrol now to transform your understanding of your Deen

The Problem Many Muslims Face When Studying Traditional Islamic Education

If the idea of studying Islamic sciences makes you feel nervous, that’s understandable!

You may feel you don’t have the time—what’s often seen as years of intense study—to devote to your Islamic education.

You may also feel intimidated by the Arabic (and other languages) you may think you need to learn in order to benefit from scholarly research and texts.

However, the reality is that—in as little as two – three hours a day—you can unwind from your weekly stressors while absorbing your deen in English—a language you completely understand, while still ensuring that you’re learning from the best sources

A Disconnect From The ‘Soul’ Of Islam

Over time, our daily Islamic rituals and practices can become mechanical. We may perform them, but feel they are lacking passion and soul.

For us to understand the heart of Islam, our Islamic education needs to be both relevant and compelling.

We must also reconnect with the spirit and explore both the spiritual and ethical significance of our outward acts of worship and devotion. Only in this way can we give life and meaning to the lived reality that is Islam.

What Is An ‘Alim’?

If the idea of studying Islamic Sciences makes you feel nervous, that’s understandable!

You may feel you don’t have the time—what’s often seen as years of intense study—to devote to your Islamic education.

You may also feel intimidated by the Arabic (and other languages) you may think you need to learn in order to benefit from scholarly research and texts.

However, the reality is that—in as little as two hours a day—you can unwind from your daily stressors while absorbing your deen in English—a language you completely understand, while still ensuring that you’re learning from the best sources

This question is bereft of any substantive meaning in the present age. The state of Islamic education in most parts of the Muslim world means that what was previously considered an Alimiyyah level education can arguably be what is offered today in many Islamic seminaries.

As an alternative, we should be asking another question: What is the religious and social function for which students are being prepared?

The pressing challenge for contemporary Muslim educators is to create syllabi that answer to the needs of this age. However, graded courses should also allow students to work up to a high level competency in the Islamic sciences. Students should be prepared, upon completion, to pursue further studies through the medium of the Arabic language.

Is Knowledge Only For Scholars?

A common misconception you may have is that studying Islamic sciences is too difficult or out with your reach. This, coupled with the belief that “only scholars need to know about that, not me” might be holding you back.

You may otherwise believe that there’s no urgency to learning the basic do’s and don’ts of your faith, and that you’ll do it “someday”, or worse, think you don’t need to learn it at all! These all couldn’t be further from the truth.

It may seem that scholars live in a world apart from the rest of us, but in reality, many others have accrued a wealth of knowledge and laid the ground work to make accessing sacred knowledge much easier for us in today’s digital age.


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Islamic Knowledge You Can Trust

The iSyllabus Diploma Course is designed to give Muslims of all backgrounds confidence in themselves by empowering them with Islamic knowledge they can trust.

The course aims to equip you to be confident in what you know, while respecting legitimate differences of opinion. We will explain not only what scholars disagree upon, but also why.

The modules will provide an indispensable base from which to increase your faith. The Diploma course serves as an excellent entry to a nuanced yet fulfilling experience of the Islamic sciences as they relate to both the individual and society in the 21st Century.

Additionally, using the momentpin app enhances the learning experience with iSyllabus – allowing you to interact with your fellow students, your teachers, and view the many additional resources and information shared on this platform by your instructors.

Over the last 10 years, iSyllabus Programmes enrolled 7000+ students, and taught over 4500+ lessons across 15 cities! And now we’re bringing our learning online to help even more students become confident in their Deen.

How Can This Course Benefit You?

We designed the iSyllabus Diploma Course to serve as an excellent entry to a nuanced yet fulfilling experience of studying the Islamic sciences as they relate to both the individual and society in the 21st Century.

The modules and bespoke written materials are fully integrated and refined so as to cover core hermeneutical concepts in a graded manner. It also incorporates life-hacks that make living one’s faith a fulfilling experience. The course both contextualises core texts as well as enhances the spiritual aspect of one’s religious observance.

Before taking this course, you may:

Feel put off with other Islamic knowledge experiences.

Not be able to make sense of your faith in this modern world.

Feel that your faith conflicts with your daily reality.

Not know where to get authentic answers that are balanced, make sense, and reflect  your lived experiences.

Have trouble navigating all of the different opinions you read or watch online.

After taking this course, you may:

Understand how your faith can help in your wider family and social interactions.

Create a lifelong habit to increase your commitment to helping others.

Discover a new vigour and passion for learning about your faith.

Come to know and love the final Messenger ﷺ through knowing his legacy.

Take firm steps in gaining proximity to your Creator ﷻ.

Though the course is taught through subject modules, we believe that Islamic education can only be fully appreciated when the spiritual, ethical and legal aspects of the faith are seen as a comprehensive whole.

I'm Ready To Learn A Holistic View Of Islam

Enrol now to transform your understanding of your Deen

Topics Covered In This Course


Seeking Purity

The ‘Seeking Purity’ module provides students with an introduction to the laws relating to ritual purity in Islamic law. Students will be provided with a detailed insight into the theory and practice of how to attain ritual purity and the spiritual aspects of cleanliness, as well as focusing on modern issues that relate to taharah.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • A history of purity in Islam.
  • What is pure and what is not – considering the different substances encountered day to day.
  • Reconnecting with the spirit; how does attaining purity of the body relate to purity of the soul – al-Ghazali on the various levels of purity.
  • Text in focus: how to purify different objects, with a case study on synthetic alcohol.
  • When can I recite the Qur’an and when can I not; understanding the ramifications of impurity.
  • Text in focus: in-depth case study on the issue of wiping over ‘socks’.
  • How do I attain purity if I am ill; the nature of dispensations.
  • Reconnecting with the spirit; the metaphor of purity and prayer – the hidden meanings of worship and cleanliness.

By the end of this module, students will:​

  • Have the confidence to worship knowing that it is based on a sound base of knowledge.
  • Understand the basis upon which actions are performed.
  • Be able to discuss differences of opinion based upon knowledge of what the great scholars have said.
  • Be equipped to teach the basics of purity to friends and family, in detail.
  • Learn the etiquette with which scholars of the past discussed issues of importance.

Setting the base for Worship

The first prayer module provides students with an understanding of the theory and practice of prayer, examining the most important elements that make up daily worship. It covers the preconditions necessary before one prays, as well as the pillars of the prayer, without which there is no prayer. The importance of performing the prayer, as well as the way to rectify mistakes will be addressed in detail, together with the necessary spiritual awareness that is at the core of heartfelt worship.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • A history of purity in Islam.
  • What is pure and what is not – considering the different substances encountered day to day.
  • Reconnecting with the spirit; how does attaining purity of the body relate to purity of the soul – al-Ghazali on the various levels of purity.
  • Text in focus: how to purify different objects, with a case study on synthetic alcohol.
  • When can I recite the Qur’an and when can I not; understanding the ramifications of impurity.
  • Text in focus: in-depth case study on the issue of wiping over ‘socks’.
  • How do I attain purity if I am ill; the nature of dispensations.
  • Reconnecting with the spirit; the metaphor of purity and prayer – the hidden meanings of worship and cleanliness.

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Have the confidence to worship knowing that it is based on a sound base of knowledge.
  • Understand the basis upon which actions are performed.
  • Be able to discuss differences of opinion based upon knowledge of what the great scholars have said.
  • Be equipped to teach the basics of purity to friends and family, in detail.
  • Learn the etiquette with which scholars of the past discussed issues of importance.

Perfecting the Prayer

The second prayer module sets out the manner in which the prayer is perfected, focusing on the prophetic manner of praying. This includes case studies on method of prayer for women and the significance of number when used in Shariah text, as well as the benefits of sending salutations upon the Prophet and the night prayer vigil (tahajjud).


At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • What was the prophetic manner of praying?
  • Why do scholars differ on the details of the Prophet’s prayer?
  • Reconnecting with the spirit: the blessing of prayer on the Prophet.
  • Text in focus: case study on the prayer of women. Is there any difference?
  • A practical description of the prayer from beginning to end.
  • Reconnecting with the spirit: al-Ghazali on the cure for having distracting thoughts in prayer.
  • The prayer in congregation – scenarios explained.
  • Text in focus: case study on reconciling mutually conflicting opinions.
  • How to pray if one is ill: are all illnesses given the same rulings?
  • Special prayers for special occasions: nawafil prayers
  • Reconnecting with the spirit: Imam al-Haddad on the spiritual intimacy of the night vigil prayer (tahujjud).

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Know that the actions in prayer are based on the understanding of recognised scholarly positions.
  • Discover the connection one has to the Prophet in the actions of prayer.
  • Have the confidence to worship knowing that it is based on knowledge.
  • Perfect the act of prayer and teach it to others.
  • Realise the importance of the optional prayers in spiritual life.
  • Wonder at the skill with which scholars discuss issues of law.

Returning to the Homeland

The third and final prayer module looks at the theory and practice of the jum’ah and travelling prayer, with a case study on the various positions on combining prayers. It will finish with practical considerations of what is done when someone dies, from the throes of death through to sending rewards of good actions to the deceased once they have been buried. This also includes a detailed case study on the concept of Bidah (innovation) in classical Islamic law and Theology.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • Why is jum’ah described as a day of Eid? – The significance of the day Adam was created.
  • Need to pray Jum’ah? Here’s the lowdown. English khutbah or Arabic?
  • Reconnecting with the spirit: Imam al-Khattabi on the power and significance of supplication: pre-requisites and conditions.
  • Left home? The detailed rules of the travel prayer, with practical examples.
  • Text in focus: Imam al-Nawawi on the hadith regarding combining prayers.
  • Saying farewell: performing the funeral prayer with respect.
  • Text in focus: in the shadow of “every innovation is a misguidance..”.
  • Accepting death – from the last breaths, mourning, burial and donating acts of charity to the dead.

By the end of this module, students will:​

  • Be able to discuss differences of opinion based upon knowledge of what the great scholars have said.
  • Finally understand the orthodox position on innovation and what the hadith really means.
  • Have a deepened  appreciation of the benefits of learning. 
  • Be able to practically conduct a funeral, from washing the body to the burial.
  • Focus on the important things in life by reflecting on the nature of death.


Towards a Tranquil Soul 1

The process of perfecting one’s character is a necessary precondition to heartfelt devotion. The theory and practice of purifying the heart—spiritual detox—will be investigated through two modules, which describe how to free oneself of internal and external blameworthy traits and habits, and acquire those spiritual qualities that are the hallmarks of the Prophets.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • What is the relationship between the physical and the spiritual heart?
  • Where does the brain fit into our understanding of the heart?
  • Can we tell if our heart is sick or healthy?
  • What are the practical steps to achieving taqwa – purity of body and soul?
  • What relationship is there between our limbs and spiritual health?

By the end of this module, students will:​

  • Understand the way the human soul functions.
  • Take the first steps to building a lasting connection with the Creator.
  • Focus on the importance of sincerity and taqwa in spiritual life.
  • Take practical steps to give life to the spiritual heart.

Towards a Tranquil Soul 2

This follow-on to the first module will analyse the two different sources of the ailments of the heart (shubahat and shahawat) and show how knowing this helps to cure spiritual diseases. The various ailments that affect the spiritual heart will be pinpointed, with practical tips and techniques that aid in their cure.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • What are the sources of spiritual diseases?
  • How does belief in God relate to such diseases?
  • What are the diseases that affect one’s understanding and belief?
  • The role of the world and its allure in giving rise to spiritual diseases.
  • Spiritual diseases that are connected with the ego or ‘nafs,’ such as vanity and arrogance, and how they come about.
  • What are the most comprehensive treatments for the diseases of the heart?

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Understand how spiritual diseases affect the heart.
  • Observe how what surrounds us affects our spiritual health.
  • Take practical steps to combat personal failings.
  • Be able to create a personal plan for spiritual development.



Understanding the Quran

Entitled ‘Investigating the History, Form and Importance of the Qur’anic Revelation’, this module introduces students to the status, history and nature of the Qur’an, the sacred book of Islam. Students will also be provided with an insight into those elements necessary for a clear contextual reading of the Qur’anic revelation, as well as the scholarly techniques required in the understanding of the Qur’an.

Understanding the Sunnah

This module will give students access to in-depth original writing related to the importance, preservation and vocabulary of the hadith sciences, with particular emphasis on the era of the Companions. By examining how mainstream Muslim scholars have interacted with the vast hadith literature, it will provide an insightful and balanced understanding of this important source of Islamic knowledge.


Living the Law 1 - The Theory

Entitled ‘Understanding the Theory Behind Islamic Law in the Modern Age’, this module aims to give students a greater appreciation of the theoretical and practical dynamics involved in understanding Shari’ah law in the modern world. This will be done by observing the sources used in formulating authentic Islamic responses to contemporary issues.

At a glance, here are some of the issues and questions explored:

  • The complexity involved in living in accordance with the Shari’ah in the modern world.
  • Understanding the underlying theory through which these issues are discussed by scholars.
  • What is meant by al-Nazilah (a new legal occurrence), and how does this relate to the changing dynamics of human life?
  • How have contemporary Muslim scholars sought to face up to the challenges posed by modern life, and what are fatwa councils?
  • How does understanding the intent of the Sunnah affect the application of Islamic law?
  • What types of public interests are taken into consideration in law, and what types are not?
  • Does Islam recognise local customs, and if so, which ones?
  • What values did Islamic law come to protect and preserve?
  • The practical use of legal maxims as rules of thumb.

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Be confident in discussing how Islamic law is derived in a modern context.
  • Appreciate the complexity of the ethical issues facing mankind, and what our faith has to say about them.
  • Understand how the Shari’ah seeks to promote common values agreed upon by all civilised people. 
  • Be equipped with a legal ‘first aid kit’ to use in your day-to-day life.

Living the Law 2 - Case Studies

Building on what has been learned in previous modules, this module gives students a behind-the-scenes insight into how scholars look at new issues. These case studies on modern issues explore how timeless principles are used and appropriated to address the major legal and ethical dilemmas of the day.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • How do scholars discuss issues such as organ donations and euthanasia?
  • In an age of nuclear weapons, does Islam have a ‘just war’ theory?
  • What effect does intensive animal rearing have on our meat supplies, and are they even Halal?
  • How Islamic is ‘Islamic finance’?

These are just some of the detailed case studies and ethical questions facing Muslims in the West that are covered.

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Engage in discussion and informed debate on the burning moral and ethical issues of the day.
  • Be able to navigate complex issues through the lens of principled thinking.
  • Appreciate the benefit of scholarly differences of opinion.
  • Help others to better understand issues of debate in the community.


The Tradition of Scholars

Consisting of two half-modules, these lessons are designed to provide an introduction to the history and practice of Islamic learning. They examine the requisite etiquette and mannerisms (adab al-ta’alum) that have been behind the strength of the student-teacher relationship in Islamic scholarship throughout history. The module then continues to investigate how a stable orthodoxy developed within the Muslim knowledge culture in both fiqh as well as aqidah.

Together, it provides a snapshot into how Islamic knowledge is transmitted and preserved, observing how scholars of the past conserved the teachings of the Prophet through Islamic history, sitting at the feet of scholars and taking the prophetic inheritance directly, face to face.

In an age when everyone claims to speak on behalf of Islam, these sessions provide a refreshing roadmap to reviving the study of Islam for the modern individual, looking at what qualifies a person to speak on religious matters.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • What are the qualities to look for in a teacher?
  • How should a student conduct themselves with their teacher to attain maximum benefit from what is being taught?
  • How can we make the most of what we learn?
  • What were the qualities that great scholars and their students had?
  • What qualifies one to speak in areas of knowledge? How have scholars of the past ensured that only the most competent teach the religion of the final Prophet   ?
  • Where do the qualifications of scholars come from and who issues them?
  • What is the methodology used in training scholars in the most important learning centres of the Muslim world?

By the end of this module, students will:​

  • Appreciate the importance of proper etiquette in life, particularly in learning sacred knowledge.
  • Marvel at the tradition of scholars that faithfully passed on the Prophetic legacy.
  • Understand the importance of seeking qualified scholarly advice from recognised sources.
  • Recognise the main Muslim colleges in the world, and the role they play in safeguarding mainstream Sunni Islam.

In essence, this program will give you a complete holistic understanding of key Islamic concepts and traditions, while also enabling you to connect more deeply and enthusiastically to your faith.


Understanding the Law and Spirituality of Income and Charity

Having successfully completed the module ‘Understanding the Law and Spirituality of Income and Charity’, students should have an appreciation of the theory and practice of earning a pure and halal livelihood, as well as the sacred laws of zakat and charity. They should also understand the issues related to those that are expressly eligible to receive zakat and those who are not.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • What are the sources of permitted income?
  • Which types of transactions are, and are not, allowed in the Shari’ah?
  • Reconnecting with the spirit: ways to increase the blessing of one’s wealth.
  • Text in focus: do I have to pay zakat on my jewellery?
  • The issues involved in calculating one’s zakat and how it relates to contemporary finance. How do I practically calculate and pay my zakat?
  • Text in focus: in-depth case study on giving zakat funds to general ‘good causes’ not mentioned as recipients of zakat, such as mosques and educational initiatives.

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Look at earning a livelihood in a new light.
  • Wonder at the power of charity and how it works in the unseen realm.
  • Be equipped to discuss modern financial issues from the perspective of Islamic law.
  • Have the confidence to help others in practically calculating their zakat.
  • Unlock the secrets of rizq, and discover the ‘keys to provision’.

The Sacred Bond

Described as half of faith, marriage has provided a tried and tested foundation for a balanced and healthy society. Through this module, students will gain an appreciation of the workings of a successful marriage and household. It will cover the fiqh and etiquette of the marital bond, the laws of divorce, as well as the rights and responsibilities that this necessarily entails, clarifying many prevalent misunderstandings in family issues.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • What are the preliminaries of marriage, and the criteria related to partner choice and suitability?
  • Text in focus: is legal guardianship of a male elder an essential condition in marriage?
  • How to appreciate and understand the relationship dynamics within marriage.
  • How a balanced understanding of marital rights and responsibilities helps preserve the relationship through hardship. 
  • Understanding the wisdom in making divorce part of the Sacred law.
  • What are the detailed laws of divorce (talaq)?
  • Understand the theory and practice of divorce at the behest of the wife (al-khul’), as well the ramifications of divorce.

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Better understand the intricacies of Islamic family law.
  • Discover the practical issues that the Shari’ah emphasises when looking at marriage.
  • Learn the etiquette with which scholars of the past discussed issues of importance.
  • Appreciate the blessings and challenges that married life brings.
  • Commit to furthering one’s knowledge of the Sacred law.


Understanding Muslim Creed 1

The first module provides students with an understanding of the key issues of Islamic creed (al-aqidah) related to the ‘testification of faith’ (al-Shahadah), as explained by the scholarly tradition of Sunni Islam. The Muslim belief in God will be explored, explaining how scholars have set out to preserve the unique oneness of God in the face of internal and external challenges to this. The module will also cover the tenets of belief that relate to the Prophets and their special qualities.

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • Why did Muslims feel the need to set down the science of creed?
  • How do we know God exists?
  • What are the essential attributes of God?
  • How may we and may we not describe the Creator?
  • Why do we need Prophets?
  • Who are they and what qualities do they possess?

These questions, and more, will be covered, focusing on the methods used by scholars to preserve the integrity and status of Prophethood.

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Have confidence in their beliefs out of conviction and proofs.
  • Be able to navigate erroneous beliefs by referring back to basic principles of creed.
  • Gain exposure to the beliefs of the main Muslim sects and groups, understanding where they went wrong and why.
  • Have an opportunity to have all their specific faith-related questions, confusions, and doubts answered.
  • Cover one of the earliest statements of orthodox Muslim belief.

Understanding Muslim Creed 2

The second module will look in detail at how issues of creed are classified into what is essential and what is not. They will also see how this determines what Sunni Islam’s understanding of issues such as freewill and predestination, belief in the unseen, ‘Faith and the Community’ as well as the issue of ‘Who is a Muslim?’. 

At a glance. Just some of the issues and questions explored:

  • How do scholars decide what is essential to believe in and what is not?
  • Are we free to act as we want or does God control our destiny?
  • Why does God allow evil to exist in the world?
  • Does committing a major wrong action lead to one leaving the Muslim faith?
  • What are the creedal issues that are related to belief in the unseen realities such as paradise and hell?

By the end of this module, students will:

  • Be able to better understand what it entails to be a Muslim.
  • Have the confidence to separate the essentials of creed from those that are of a secondary nature.
  • Learn how to understand the role of human free will and predestination in their lives.
  • Realise the inclusive nature of Muslim belief.

In essence, this programme will give you a complete holistic understanding of key Islamic concepts and traditions, while also enabling you to connect more deeply and enthusiastically to your faith

Meet Your Instructors

Shaykh Amer Jamil

Shaykh Amer has been described by the Sunday herald as one of the Scotland’s most prominent and respected Muslim thinkers. He holds a (LLB) law degree from Strathclyde university and BA (Hons) in Islamic studies from the University of Wales. He spent 10 years studying the Islamic sciences including 6 years with distinguished scholars in the Middle East (Syria and Yemen), gaining him teaching licenses (ijaza) in various Islamic sciences.

His main field of interest is primarily Islamic family law; an area in which he has studied in depth having studied all four schools of Islamic jurisprudence. Currently, he is conducting a PhD research on the relationship between Islamic family law and Scots family law. He also has a certificate in counselling skills accredited by COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland).

He is an Islamic family law consultant to a local Scottish law firm and a Family support consultant at Unity Family Services. Part of his role at Unity involves delivering pre-marital and post-marital courses UK wide. In 2007 he authored the booklet “What Islam Really Says About Domestic Abuse”. He is also the author of the Reminder series – a series of short leaflets covering contemporary issues affecting the Muslim Community and wider society.

In 2009 he co-founded the Solas Foundation and with Shaykh Ruzwan Muhammad, established the iSyllabus Islamic studies programme. He is currently the co-director of the programme. He was also the Muslim Chaplin at Glasgow Caledonian University, where he delivered the Friday sermon and regular classes for students. Shaykh Amer is consulted by Scottish Law firms for his specialist knowledge in Islamic Family Law

Shaykh Ruzwan Mohammed

Shaykh Ruzwan Mohammed is a Sunni theologian and scholar. A graduate in Geopolitics and Arabic from the University of Glasgow, in 1993 he left to travel and study with a wide array of leading scholars and theologians in various countries in the Muslim world. In the process, he studied the Turkish language at the University of Ankara and as part of his formal Islamic training, he graduated from the Fat’h Islamic Law College in Damascus, graduating from the prestigious 6-year programme with a distinction of merit, achieving overall first position in his year of graduation from the college.

In the summer of 2009, he co-founded the Solas Foundation, which focuses on offering quality and transparent religious consultancy in the areas of Islamic ethics and education. He is the author and educational director of the iSyllabus Islamic studies programme.

He is a regular panellist on shows such as BBC One’s “The Big Question”, BBC radio 4’s religious analysis programmes, and is a contributor to national Scottish newspapers and magazines. He is currently engaged in research into the effect of textual hermeneutics and environment on Islamic legal ethics, and is working on a study and translation of an early juristic text by the Spanish philosopher Averroes. He also serves as an advisor to various Muslim educational organisations in the United Kingdom and is actively involved in interfaith work, as well as wider social issues. He was tasked with the responsibility of drafting the ‘Edinburgh Declaration‘, launched in 2018, on the shared ethical values between Christianity and Islam in the area of finance and wealth creation.

Both Shaykh Ruzwan Mohammed and Shaykh Amer Jamil were awarded the ‘Religious Advocate of the year Award’ at the British Muslims awards in 2014.

What You'll Recieve

A small one-time investment to prepare you for success in
this life and the Afterlife, insha'Allah.

Entire iSyllabus 1-Year Diploma Course
This comprehensive iSyllabus 1-Year Diploma course contains 15 in-depth modules. The length of the course is from 28th September 2021 till the following May. You get instant access to all the contents immediately when you sign up. There are three live lessons every week.

We endeavour to provide students with the best bespoke Islamic educational material in the English language. Period. The material used in the modules is created specifically for use in our integrated courses. Extracted from the most well-respected works of Islamic scholarship, with extensive original texts translated directly from the sources, it affords students a glimpse into the vast ocean of Islamic religious and devotional literature

Access To The Online Learning Portal
You can progress through the graded weekly course material at your own pace for the duration of the course. You can go back and review any lesson or chapter anytime during this time period and have recourse to the recorded live sessions each week.

Comprehensive Course Materials and Workbook
We wrote these comprehensive course notes (over 350 pages) to accompany the 1-year Diploma course. They include pre-reading material, discussion questions, and exercises. You can access these books in the members’ area or order as a book. 

Each lesson has its own set of notes. Each class has clearly defined aims and objectives to enable students to track their own progress.
All material is made up of originally produced material, fully referenced and checked to represent the most widely accepted understanding of Sunni Islam. Clear, well-produced presentations summarise the material covered in the lesson notes by the latest thinking on creating presentation material.

Interactive Sessions with Qualified Scholars
We endeavour to provide you with teachers whose knowledge you can trust. Central to the teaching ethos of the iSyllabus is that all instructors faithfully convey mainstream Sunni Islamic teachings, as represented in the main teaching centres of the Muslim world. Through this, students can be safe in the knowledge that what is taught is reliable and consistently upheld throughout the teaching staff. Central to ensuring this is the system of the teaching ‘ijaza’.

The system of Ijaza is a scholarly chain of transmission for each subject, which links each generation of scholars back to the previous ones, all the way back to the source of all guidance, may God bless and grant him peace, thus ensuring that each generation has acquired knowledge directly from recognised scholars, rather than gleaning pieces of information from books alone. Teachers are chosen on the basis of not only recognised qualifications, but also on their ability to connect with the students.

Special Bonuses

Along with all the above content, you’ll also receive the following
bonuses for free when you sign up today

BONUS: Tutorial Time with Scholars

Included in the bonus tutorial aspect of this course is an element of continuous voluntary assessment of your progress and feedback from our esteemed scholars. As a paying student of this course, you also have the option to ask questions and clarify understandings outside of live class hours.

BONUS: Community Building With Classmates

We’ve also partnered with the momentpin app to bring you an interactive, supplementary, and community element to this online course. This offers you the opportunity to ask questions outside of class time and participate in peer learning with other students
This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to interact directly with both scholars and your fellow students.

Your Satisfaction Guarantee

Enrol now. If by 7pm on 19th October, you feel this course isn’t right for you, then email us and we will give you a full refund. Basically you get to try out the course before committing fully!

That is our promise to you, because we are confident in the course and because we want this purchase to be fair to you.

What others say about the course

Listen to success stories and testimonials from current students

"Masha Allah excellent course. Even though I was brought up in this country with the full five day 2 hours every day teaching of Islamic studies this course gave me a complete different insight on many of the topics. Jazakallah Khair to all the shaykhs and organisers"



"The course has helped me develop myself as a practising Muslim. It helped me make sense of a lot of things I learnt as a child and I feel like the course has helped me improve myself greatly. I would recommend it"



"Packed full of useful information and taught by engaging, learned shuyukh - the course is well structured and the lessons are thorough in all respects. The constant linking back to how the content is relevant everyday is eye-opening and has hugely enriched my understanding of my faith"



"The iSyllabus One Year Diploma Course is full of essential learnings for people of any level of Islamic knowledge"



"Modern and diverse range of subjects covered in so much detail. Explained from a very basic level so you never feel judged for not knowing about it beforehand and you leave well equipped with the relevant knowledge and evidence.. and material to refer back to"



“I joined iSyllabus as a way of 'touching base,' once a week whilst I had moved away to complete my secular studies. I was working full time and simultaneously studying for my PGCE whilst attending iSyllabus, which in all honesty, kept me feeling grounded during that intense year. It was so refreshing just to sit and let the day's worries and trouble drop whilst focusing in class. It's a learning experience, as one not only obtains sacred knowledge, but also learns a lot of the self (and subsequent self development) in the process. I'd like to sincerely thank the teachers, the volunteers and the admin for all their efforts this year. God bless you all"



I found the online course beneficial as it allowed me to study in the evenings after my daughter went to sleep. Have been wanting to do this course for ages but distance has been a factor. As a single mum, this worked for me especially the Pandemic, having allowed this opportunity."


I was so glad that the course was online this year as this meant I was finally able to participate. Childcare had meant I wasn't able to commit to it but this year was perfect for me. I was able to watch live or recorded lessons at a later date, everything was suited to the timing that was best for me. I cannot recommend the course enough to everybody, and if you are a parent like myself, the course being online is perfect and you can watch the lessons around your own timing.  "


The iSyllabus Online Diploma Course has been extremely beneficial for me Alhamdulilah. Every module in this course has taught me so much. Even though I have previously learned about some of the topics in the course, iSyllabus explores all topics in a detailed, coherent way and allowed me to perceive knowledge and Islam in a new light. I can confidently say it has made me feel more connected with the Deen and has encouraged me to gain knowledge and embed it into my life. The notes are absolutely amazing! They are so detailed and easy to understand. I also liked how for each lecture both Sh Amer and Sh Ruzwan went in the order of the notes which made it easy to follow. The notes are also fully referenced which emphasises how much effort Sh Ruzwan put into creating the best course notes possible MashaAllah. I cannot recommend this course enough to everyone. "


I have enjoyed the Diploma course this year. Aside from the spiritual recharge during a working week, it has provided me with a solid foundation and understanding of Islam. We grow up with culture and religion being blended together and Sh.Amer and Sh.Ruzwan have managed to tackle that blend so it's clear what you follow and more importantly why you follow it."


My experience with the iSyllabus diploma has been invaluable. The programme is well structured with thorough course notes. Online recorded classes make it easily accessible for any schedule. The teachers are both knowledgeable and easy going, making it a pleasure to attend class every week."


I have wanted to do the Isyllabus diploma for a number of years but having commitments made it difficult for me to travel to the nearest place it was held regularly. The online diploma has been fantastic, having both live and recorded lessons meant I could participate at a time convenient for me and still gain full benefit of the lessons as well as being able to go back and listen to them again for more clarity. Both Sheikh Amer and Rizwan make the lessons relatable and relevant therefore easier to understand. This gives students like myself better ability to put our knowledge into practice."


The Diploma Course was extremely beneficial. It covered many things I already knew but in much more depth illuminating so many new things. The valuable knowledge provided by the shaykhs was priceless and provided every Muslims with the keys they needed. The course being online was of great benefit to me as I am not in any of the city’s isyllabus teaches in person. This meant I could take advantage of this opportunity and take the online course allowing me to benefit greatly from the valuable information on this course. I would recommend this course to every Muslim who seek to understand Islam holistically and the understand the amazing tradition of knowledge in our religion."


This course is an absolute must for everyone. For years I have dipped in and out of short courses here and there based on what I was interested in at the time, but it never felt organised or holistic. This course captures everything you need to know as a Muslim from the baseline, then where you go from there is your choice. Having it online meant I could attend as its not usually run in my city, having recordings of classes meant I could access the classes when it suited me (after all the kids were asleep!). It is an excellent, comprehensive course, that gives you the grounding to lead your life as a Muslim and practice the faith properly with knowledge and understanding. Anyone who is considering it, don't think about it anymore, just sign up! You will absolutely not regret it 🙂"


Honestly it’s been such a blessing Alhamdulilah! Seeking knowledge has been amazing and it’s made me grow in ways I didn’t expect. I can’t wait to continue my studies inshallah."


The online course was a starting point for me to gain an overview of the different aspects of sacred knowledge. It covered a great deal and did so In a way that was accessible to students of various backgrounds. It also prioritised what is most essential and in that sense, was a great starting point for anyone wishing to test the waters of sacred knowledge while also acquiring that knowledge which is the lifejacket needed to set sail on this ocean of knowledge."


I’m Ready To Grow In My Understanding Of The Deen

Let’s begin this journey. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Please check individual course information for any age restrictions.


iSyllabus has been for some time now seeking a method to extend and enhance the learning experience. We have been receiving numerous requests for some time from students to get closer to the class and be part of a larger community. We have been seeking such a solution that would not compromise the student’s privacy and data ownership, whilst at the same time providing a means for a positive online experience. Momentpin provided all the core feature sets we required and we are confident that it will provide the extended learning experience that our students have been requesting for.


Although it is not compulsory to download the Momentpin app to enrol onto the courses, we would highly recommend this as the app is free and will enhance your learning experience with iSyllabus. Using the app will allow students to interact with fellow students, teachers and view the many additional resources and information shared on this platform by the teachers.


In order to apply for the iSyllabus Intermediary Year 1 course, students must have enrolled onto the iSyllabus One Year Diploma Course.

To apply for the Intermediary Year 2 course, students must have successfully passed Intermediary Year 1.


The course will run from September till the following May.

It will follow a trimester system. For each trimester, generally each week there will be 3 lessons (each lesson for a different module, each module consisting of 6 lessons) and will be in 6-week blocks, with two such blocks for the first two trimesters.  In general there will be 2 exams the week after each 6-week block. Some modules may have a homework-type assessment instead of an exam. The third trimester will only consist of one 6-week block and there will be no assessments for the subjects taught in this block.

Classes will generally take place between 7-9 PM unless stated otherwise. Detailed timetables will be provided for students upon course commencement and will include dates of classes and tutorials (if any), exams/assessments and holidays.

See course guidelines provided on enrolment for more details.


£315, or £245 for early-bird registration.


No, payment must be made in one instalment when you apply for the course and have been accepted. Once we have received your full payment, you will be enrolled onto the course. Please note that an independent charity does help students who require financial assistance, please visit their website for further information.


It is the expressed aim of iSyllabus to provide all those that seek to further their understanding of their religion with ample opportunity to do so. We venture to ensure that no individual in genuine need will be denied access to the course on account of a lack of funds.

With this in mind, the iSyllabus Scholarships Charity (an independent charity to iSyllabus) helps those who require financial assistance.


Please note that the applicant will be required to demonstrate that such a need exists and only students who have proven their need for such assistance will be successful.

For further details on how to apply for a scholarship, please visit the iSyllabus Scholarships Charity website at www.isyllabusscholarships.org.uk


In order to gain a certificate of completion at the end of the course the assessment criteria for all exams/assessments must be met together with the attendance criteria. However, a student can choose to attend the lectures and not sit the exams but will not get a certificate at the end of the year and will not be able to progress onto the iSyllabus Intermediate and Advanced courses.


Written examinations will be held usually at the end of the 6 week module i.e. the week after the last set of lessons, though this may vary depending on circumstances. Students will be given prior notice relating to examination dates.


Yes. Students will be issued with a Self-Accredited Diploma in Islamic Studies on successful completion of the course provided that they met the attendance criteria and passed all exams /written assessments. See course guidelines provided on enrolment for more details.


All students will be issued with one set of notes for all subjects. Any additional sets of notes that a student requires due to loss or damage will be subject to a £15 fee for each volume of notes.


If by 7pm on 19th October, you feel this course isn’t right for you, then email us and we will give you a full refund. Basically you get to try out the course before committing fully.

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